June 04, 2019 03:00

On Virginia Beach Shooting

We are extremely saddened by the recent shooting in Virginia Beach this past Friday. I join with all members of the Diocese of Columbus in praying for the victims of this terrible act and all who have been impacted. We are thankful for the swift action of those first responders who prevented further bloodshed and loss of life. But in a deeper sense, we must all be troubled by this ever-increasing occurrence of random violence in our communities. 

As followers of Jesus Christ, we must join together to consider all solutions to replace the overpowering feelings of hopelessness and despair among those who commit these acts with healing and hope, while supporting those necessary efforts to maintain the safety and security of all in every aspect of our daily lives. We pray not only for those impacted from this horrific and senseless attack, but for the wisdom and fortitude to find effective remedies to this terrible trend in our society.